2019-20 WCAL Hoops Wrap Up/2020-21 Outlook

Agree about the big men needing to know their roles. No need to swat down when blocking shots when just putting their arms up will alter most shot attempts. They also fumble the ball alot - need to catch more cleanly and secure the ball ("chin it" as Coach Allocco teaches). We're lucky that Bryce and Jelani can take it to the hole at will, but would love to see more jump stop/pull up jumpers at the elbow or free throw line - they can hit those shots all night.
Good job by the head coach causing division before the two most important games of the season.
Isnt the starting backcourt though Hubbard and Monroe? Or Clark considered a guard too, so its a 3 guard lineup? If thats so, then Hubbard should have been profiled too. If not, then its fake news, cause Monroe hasnt been starting at the point.
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Bellarmine was allowed to flop last night which wasn't ok. Refs are rewarding players for being under the basket , not safe and not cool at all. As a coach there is an adjustment you can make though that will help the team and players like Clark and Monroe. You take away the help side with a triangle on side and two man ( pick and roll on the other side) then the only one back is a big and when he comes over to help there is your drop off pass, real simple.
To keep advancing in the playoffs we will need to , get easier baskets for Clark and Monroe, they work to hard to score, get spacing better and take on mismatches better on the offensive end and on the defensive end not be so predictable. Switch up the defense from time to time. Press after made baskets and free throws, come out in Zone sometimes out of time outs. Half court trap sometimes when the ball goes out of bounds. These are just my opinions...nothing negative about the team or players. " Hands down just my opinions "
Def need some sets for Monroe and Clark. Even some PnR with both or on the same side. When you need a basket, when a team is on a run, need to be able to get your best players the ball in advantageous positions. They are an uptempo team from what Ive been told, but they really didnt press the issue till late in the game, down 11 with 3:00 to go. Maybe its cause of lack of depth or belief in the depth, but a team as long as they are and above average quickness, would like to see some Hoya Paarnoia in that D. Yup, I'm echoing the 80s and the old Georgetown John Thompson coached teams with that.
Agree about the big men needing to know their roles. No need to swat down when blocking shots when just putting their arms up will alter most shot attempts. They also fumble the ball alot - need to catch more cleanly and secure the ball ("chin it" as Coach Allocco teaches). We're lucky that Bryce and Jelani can take it to the hole at will, but would love to see more jump stop/pull up jumpers at the elbow or free throw line - they can hit those shots all night.
Cityfan, your back? LOL hahahaaha
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Isnt the starting backcourt though Hubbard and Monroe? Or Clark considered a guard too, so its a 3 guard lineup? If thats so, then Hubbard should have been profiled too. If not, then its fake news, cause Monroe hasnt been starting at the point.
Fake News ...good one...I needed a laugh to start the day off! Hubbard is a key to the team as all the kids are . Knowing your role and thriving in it is another thing. The coaching staff makes the decisions on who is the first option to bring up the ball and initiate the offense. I know teams are happy that they do not have to worry about certain people coming at them with a full head of steam behind them. I sat by Bellarmine's bench last night and got hear first hand some interesting dialogue to say the least. Unlike at Mitty I wasnt asked to sit elsewhere.
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Tuned in to watch the best back court in Nor Cal. What is coach doing? He has #3 kid running the point or should I say walking the ball up and starting the offense? You have 2 D1 signee’s and neither ran the point? Is #3 also the best defender on Riordan? Why is he guarding Decker? Decker lit him up, again. If you're not gonna use Jelani on offense which you didn’t coach, put him on Decker on the defensive side of the ball... now #3 will be fresh to run the PG position. Why he’s running point when you have Monroe a true PG. that’s a head scratcher?? 3 guard lineup is whack. When Rob kid returns they should go Bryce, Jelani, Wilson, Rob, Sec. Tough game to watch. Anyone have stats? Can anyone maybe help me understand the logic coach is using with that lineup?
Damn, did you read my retweet of that article LMFAO THANK YOU!!!!! Saves me keystrokes from posting here too!!!!
Yes he is the best defender on the team# 3. AND decker lit everyone up. The 3 guard line up went 9-0 until tonight. IT is what it is. THEY lost. BAD game.
Lee, come on man. At least be open and say 'my son is the best defender on the team'. We can agree to disagree with that. Clark, Monroe, Wilson....
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It just seemed to be a frustrating night for the Crusaders. Every team is gunning for them. This is HS basketball. Just look what happened in the Sunset with the top team in the CCS and #11 in the country losing to SI. Riordan still holds on to first place. Crusaders need to regroup and take care of business the rest of the way. That was a nice 9-0 run without Bryce and Rob V. for parts of this run.
J, your usually right on with this. But your missing the elephant in the room here. I'll leave it at that...
J, your usually right on with this. But your missing the elephant in the room here. I'll leave it at that...
Sometimes people have to be politically correct...also as someone mentioned a previous post people are really hoping they dont squander this opportunity again. I am one of them! Lol
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you could plug the freshman A PG in that slot, surround him with Jelani and Bryce at the 2 - 3 with Wilson, Sec and Rob when healthy and based of pure talent and athleticism alone they win a ton of games. Heck you can also take all the coaches away, roll the ball out and that talent gonna win a lot of games. Best line up IMO, 2 guard line up, Bryce, Jelani, and go big with Wilson at the 3 Rob at the 4 and Sec at the 5.

#3 is a nice HS talent, Not a knock on him, I like his game. He’s just got 2 superior senior guards in front of him. Next year will be his year and squad. Coach is tripping. The end of the half you have to get the ball in your 2 best players hands one or the other, prime example last night.

any combo of line ups Riordan gonna win most games, but why not play your best lineup?
When does Viola(Rob) come back? Any concrete info?
Everything is so similar to last year where 7 of the CCS Open teams were from the WCAL. I think this year only one of SI/SH will make it, since I think they will include one of Sacred Heart Prep/Menlo...maybe even both.
This team has the highest ceiling of all the teams as long as they learn and keep improving. Also, no excuse for this team to be such a poor free throw shooting team. The boarding players should have a key to the gym for late night free throw practice.
Hell, they should have a key to the chapel too for late night prayers for softer hands....
Spot on assessment Renard. The games Riordan dominates are the ones where they dictate the tempo. You can see in their two league losses that Serra and Bellarmine decided what game they were going to play. Riordan cant mess around in the playoffs by letting the other team decide how to play. The best teams use their stars and loaded roster to quicken the pace and play this frenetic style by literally pressing which leads to turnovers, fast break plays that their game changers love as they are in the open court.

Curtin has a deep bench. He should use these last few games to run 32 min of hell instead of this half court waste of time. He squandered Monroe and Clark's junior year no less gifting a CCS Open title to SH by not taking care of their business. Im sure that stings much to my own delight. Don't let this year be a repeat.
Thanks for the reminder of last year HAHA but agree Hoya Paranoia, 32 minutes of hell, whatever you wanna call it. Put Seck in the back end and let everyone fly around the court...
What is the elephant in the room?

AND I meant what i said. I don't have to hide behind a message board...ask the coaches about who are the top perimeter defenders on the team. THEY SEE IT everyday. You know the coaches. Have there phone numbers, emails and probably known where they live.. Ask them.

ITs ok to comment about game and situations. Thats fair. BUT don't try to come on here and come at me, because i bite back. I DO not run the team. JUST A PARENT. But I have seen every game and know everyone's strengths and weakneeses. AND I can give you a valid opinion on what happened each game.

The complacent team says, 'If it aint broke dont fix it.' The aspiring team says, 'If it aint broke, make it better.' Come on Lee, if your astute in the basketball verse as you claim, you would see the elephant in the room.
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What is the elephant in the room?

AND I meant what i said. I don't have to hide behind a message board...ask the coaches about who are the top perimeter defenders on the team. THEY SEE IT everyday. You know the coaches. Have there phone numbers, emails and probably known where they live.. Ask them.

ITs ok to comment about game and situations. Thats fair. BUT don't try to come on here and come at me, because i bite back. I DO not run the team. JUST A PARENT. But I have seen every game and know everyone's strengths and weakneeses. AND I can give you a valid opinion on what happened each game.
I like objective opinions Lee. You know that from when your older son played at SH. If your being a parent and supporting your son, I GET THAT, but dont try being objective at the same time. Its called a conflict of interest.
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I had three kids play at shcp. MY daughter won the WCAL in track in the hurdles in 2009. Both of my sons were all state after leaving shcp ONE was all state and played JC at ccsf and then college and overseas for a year. HIS best friend was Delon Wright [Dallas Mavericks],at ccsf and he stayed with us. AND THEY are still close to this day. So i know athletics and the different well.

I haven't even really commented on Riordan to be honest. ITS Strengths and or weaknesses. I COULD as i seen them and I can give an honest assessment OF the team/program the last 3 to 4 years.

Last year the team had big chemistry issues. AND IT played itself out on the court with the seniors being a little resentful of the 2 junior studs. There also needed to be some better communication from the staff to the players. MY OPINION.

This year the chemistry is much better. The team had a team DINNER outing just last week. But the team has issues/problems just like every other team. NOTHING IS PERFECT in basketball land. AND things can be perfect and you can still loose games. LIKE last night. We got outrebounded and to many unforced turnovers.

BUT again if you want an opinion on a Riordan player AND WHY such in such is playing or why someone isnt, call or text the coaches. U know all of them, especially when you were shooting film for the program when Coach F was at the helm.

BUT i can give an unbiased opinion. I KNOw How the sausage is made at that school and a lot of the wcal schools.

I like objective opinions Lee. You know that from when your older son played at SH. If your being a parent and supporting your son, I GET THAT, but dont try being objective at the same time. Its called a conflict of interest.
Ummmmm I dont care about any sausage, glad you have a culinary perspective as well. Thats cool, dinner, the dinner outing, and what not. Helps build camaraderie and 'brotherhood', but with adversity come out the true colors like you said. How does each player react to adversity. Take a look at the bench last night. If it truly is a team game and your rooting your teammates on, how much that team dinner help? There were a couple disinterested on the bench. Be frustrated you aint in, I get that, but damn, aint it about the team??? Aint that what you been posting??? I'm just stating what I saw, without calling any names out. And no, there were times previously and while you were covering for Norcalpreps it was not unbiased. But hey, not the first time, nor should it be the last. I would expect nothing less...see you Tuesday.
Its always about the team with me. Self sacrifice. That's preached in my house. Sometimes it doesn't always translate the way i would like it too. BUT most of the time it does.
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BUT again if you want an opinion on a Riordan player AND WHY such in such is playing or why someone isnt, call or text the coaches. U know all of them, especially when you were shooting film for the program when Coach F was at the helm.

BUT i can give an unbiased opinion. I KNOw How the sausage is made at that school and a lot of the wcal schools.

Hey Lee, one last thing. I have NEVER EVER NEVER filmed for the Doctor or RB. You must got me confused for either the OG HSWizard Stevie or Joey, but from the process of elimination, then it must be Stevie your talking about. RB did do some filming for the Doc too, but most of Stevie's filming was filming upcoming opposition, or out of areas teams. Viggan also, filmed I think. Again, fake news. Like you said when John Duggan and Ali Thomas played together on another thread and beat Mac. Not accurate. If your sitting where the defunct R-Mob used to sit on Tue, I will come by again an re-introduce myself. Just like I did to Renard a few weeks back. Aint no animosity in my posts, but just like my moniker says, it is what it is....
Spot on assessment Renard. The games Riordan dominates are the ones where they dictate the tempo. You can see in their two league losses that Serra and Bellarmine decided what game they were going to play. Riordan cant mess around in the playoffs by letting the other team decide how to play. The best teams use their stars and loaded roster to quicken the pace and play this frenetic style by literally pressing which leads to turnovers, fast break plays that their game changers love as they are in the open court.

Curtin has a deep bench. He should use these last few games to run 32 min of hell instead of this half court waste of time. He squandered Monroe and Clark's junior year no less gifting a CCS Open title to SH by not taking care of their business. Im sure that stings much to my own delight. Don't let this year be a repeat.
Can you imagine Zelaya (of Mission) with this team?
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Can you imagine Zelaya (of Mission) with this team?

wait, you’re saying they could be better than 18-3 with another coach? 18-3 I guarantee you 99.9% anyone would take that.

And if he had this team as Mission not Riordan then that would be a complete joke. We’re talking Balboa Dean Maye the Jet Offense teams.
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Anyone know if the Riodan coach reads this?
Of course and supporters. Honestly Riordan doesn't need a new coach. They have improved each year under his tenure. Everyone has room for improvement. All the good and great coaches improve and are criticized for decisions they make. When you attend a high school game . The athletic director, the coach and referee's and in Riordan's case the statistician is getting paid to be there. Parents and fans pay to be there. The kids signed up to do something they love and play with their teammates. Shouldn't those people be held to a higher standard? Most coaches motto " player's get credit for the wins, coaches take the blame for the losses " Riordan has lost 3 games this season, pretty good against solid competition as well. They will turn the corner , big game on Tuesday night!
wait, you’re saying they could be better than 18-3 with another coach? 18-3 I guarantee you 99.9% anyone would take that.

And if he had this team as Mission not Riordan then that would be a complete joke. We’re talking Balboa Dean Maye the Jet Offense teams.
My point is Riordan has the depth to go 8-10 deep and should be able to play stiffling defense in front and back court for four quarters to complement offensive options. That Jet team played little defense. Lost to an SI team that forced them into a half court sets. Was that 1996? Even then I thought SHC was best team in City, but got upset by SI in CCS semis, which ended their season, prematurely. In this day an age, the SHC team would still be eligible. But again, that is why I like it (back then), you lose, you learn a hard lesson. Don't get me going on. I still think WCAL should have a four game playoff and only top two advance to secionals. The rest get ready for baseball...
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Of course and supporters. Honestly Riordan doesn't need a new coach. They have improved each year under his tenure. Everyone has room for improvement. All the good and great coaches improve and are criticized for decisions they make. When you attend a high school game . The athletic director, the coach and referee's and in Riordan's case the statistician is getting paid to be there. Parents and fans pay to be there. The kids signed up to do something they love and play with their teammates. Shouldn't those people be held to a higher standard? Most coaches motto " player's get credit for the wins, coaches take the blame for the losses " Riordan has lost 3 games this season, pretty good against solid competition as well. They will turn the corner , big game on Tuesday night!
Agreed, when you coach and are paid for it, you are subject fair or not for criticism. I can't imagine a Varsity coach calling his/her detractors on Forums or Message Boards. It is what it is, it comes with the territory and ANY AND EVERY Varsity High School coach should understand that. And if you cant take constructive criticism for your trusted colleagues or coaches in the industry, then really when adversity hits, your just gonna be spinning your wheels in the mud. I'm all for back n forth objective conversation, been doing it under this handle and prior to under 1DNA since the early 2000s on this board. That said, many Riordan folks including Rich, RB, and Joey know who I am. This board has shifted from that type of objective basketball discussion, to hyping or defending your son/daughter on this board. I admit, I'll be the first to call out a coach, but will not put the name of a player down in a derogatory way. And if I ever do, call me out on it. That said, I think Riordan, even at 18-3 or whatever their record is has a lot of room to improve. And Ive been saying this since their 30 point win @ SI, so no, I'm not just coming on here now after a loss. is what it is....Have a wonderful Sunday!
Cityfan, your back? LOL hahahaaha
Haha! Yes, they fly me in to post on this board. I should change my name to "Cityfan in the 925." Thanks to game live streams, I rarely make it out to the Forum these days.
Can't speak for all of the private/parochial head coaches, but, in more than a few cases these days, public school head coaches are also full-time teachers with actual classes and real academic commitments. They are teacher/coaches, with an emphasis on the former. Yes, walk-ons are becoming more frequent. But there are some strong public school districts which much prefer that their head coaches in major sports be full-time teachers. And they are well-paid (in districts like Palo Alto Unified, Sequoia Union and San Mateo Union, just as three examples) as teachers first, coaches second. So carping about them and criticism of them is usually misguided. They are not professional coaches; they are professional teachers who also coach. That's a distinction that ought to be made _ not in all cases but certainly a good number of them.
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Actually I know a handful that do. As they feel if they can dictate the tempo, they can win that game, Granted you gotta have the players and coach to do this, but youd be surprised what said off-line.....
Just watched the game again.. Belarmine's star PG, Denker, has averaged 30 points against the vaunted and long Crusader D. Everyone knows he's the star for the Bells. #3 was wide open as he came off excellent ball screen/movement from his teammates and used his ability to drive to the basket and/or stop and pop the short j, which made for a potent scoring combination. He's certainly talented, but how does he score so much and Riordan's 2 D1 guards struggled for almost every point scored?
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Just watched the game again.. Belarmine's star PG, Denker, has averaged 30 points against the vaunted and long Crusader D. Everyone knows he's the star for the Bells. #3 was wide open as he came off excellent ball screen/movement from his teammates and used his ability to drive to the basket and/or stop and pop the short j, which made for a potent scoring combination. He's certainly talented, but how does he score so much and Riordan's 2 D1 guards struggled for almost every point scored?

It’s Coaching - Patrick Schneider the Wiley Vet would have this Riordan squad undefeated. Highly doubt any of these WCAL coaches would have Jelani at the 3 (small forward) position and Monroe at the 2 (shooting guard) Perhaps if Sharife Cooper is running the point for Riordan lol.
It’s Coaching - Patrick Schneider the Wiley Vet would have this Riordan squad undefeated. Highly doubt any of these WCAL coaches would have Jelani at the 3 (small forward) position and Monroe at the 2 (shooting guard) Perhaps if Sharife Cooper is running the point for Riordan lol.

Please NOTE, to all the Riordan coaches, administration, next of kin reading this board. This IS NOT my burner account. I repeat this is NOT my burner account! I dont need one! Hahaha Just seems someone else has a similar thought process. And where theres smoke there is fire. One thing certain, its ok to continue evolving as a coach/program. Its ok to admit mistakes. Be above the thinking, its my way or the high way. Its always easy to point fingers, but sometimes the fire is self inflicted from complacency and thinking there is no need to change. Be better than that.
My point is Riordan has the depth to go 8-10 deep and should be able to play stiffling defense in front and back court for four quarters to complement offensive options. That Jet team played little defense. Lost to an SI team that forced them into a half court sets. Was that 1996? Even then I thought SHC was best team in City, but got upset by SI in CCS semis, which ended their season, prematurely. In this day an age, the SHC team would still be eligible. But again, that is why I like it (back then), you lose, you learn a hard lesson. Don't get me going on. I still think WCAL should have a four game playoff and only top two advance to secionals. The rest get ready for baseball...

Depth is great for a long season but in big time games, a coach will play his best 6 or 7 because its ONLY 32 minutes and these kids are thoroughbreds. I doubt they even get tired after playing 32 minutes.
It’s Coaching - Patrick Schneider the Wiley Vet would have this Riordan squad undefeated. Highly doubt any of these WCAL coaches would have Jelani at the 3 (small forward) position and Monroe at the 2 (shooting guard) Perhaps if Sharife Cooper is running the point for Riordan lol.
I want to state that when I posted about Bryce playing the two guard spot . I was giving context to what he has done and played since Day 1. Not being critical of any other player or decision to do so. Je lani and Bryce have played basketball together since the 4th grade and I coached them every year except for the last year and if know you know, you saw the difference. Je'lani is accustomed to playing the combination guard as he has had the role before and flourished in it. Bryce hasn't. Whether it was for SF rebel pee wee league to the San Francisco School to SHC to Riordan. We are not making excuses. I sat down with my son and said shake off the frustration, focus on being a good team mate, own your mistakes and these are things to get you the ball to be a playmaker, like getting more defensive rebounds to push the pace, comments on this board is just my opinions and my knowledge from raising him and hearing his thought process. He is more than a scorer but at Riordan he needs to score. There isnt a better scorer than him on the team and its proven. We can say he puts the ball up more than anyone as well and that's true. He missed 4 games this season and still leads the team in points and assists. This team has a huge following because of Clark and Monroe but the additions to the team and the other players are huge to the teams ultimate success. Cultivating culture and coaching will be the key to how this team finishes this season. I am hoping for the best. 18-3 is a great record and there is always room for improvement. Expectations are high. Just as the average guy can post on here there have been comments made in the media. "Hands down"...every one will make mistakes. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I am sure Riordan will regroup from Friday and it should be a hecka of game tomorrow night.
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How about the Crusaders impose their strengths and tempo on their opponents? Force the other team to adjust. Play the entire 90 feet of court, don't shrink it down to half court and slow it down. It doesn't mean to jack up shots in 5 seconds, but you can have fast ball movement, screens and dribble penetration at a faster pace rather than walking up the ball. Look at Salesian, Dublin, heck - even Mitty and Serra!
Riordan's roster is deep and can do this. Someone used John Wooden's "Be quick, but don't hurry", quote. Makes sense.
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Please NOTE, to all the Riordan coaches, administration, next of kin reading this board. This IS NOT my burner account. I repeat this is NOT my burner account! I dont need one! Hahaha Just seems someone else has a similar thought process. And where theres smoke there is fire. One thing certain, its ok to continue evolving as a coach/program. Its ok to admit mistakes. Be above the thinking, its my way or the high way. Its always easy to point fingers, but sometimes the fire is self inflicted from complacency and thinking there is no need to change. Be better than that.

Confirmed, don’t know OneDna but I like the way he thinks lol.
How about the Crusaders impose their strengths and tempo on their opponents? Force the other team to adjust. Play the entire 90 feet of court, don't shrink it down to half court and slow it down. It doesn't mean to jack up shots in 5 seconds, but you can have fast ball movement, screens and dribble penetration at a faster pace rather than walking up the ball. Look at Salesian, Dublin, heck - even Mitty and Serra!
Riordan's roster is deep and can do this. Someone used John Wooden's "Be quick, but don't hurry", quote. Makes sense.
Yes, but that means they need to dictate the tempo. Soooooo who's running the point? Also, herein lies the irony, come post-season, this team will be well scouted and to beat them theyll realize they (the opposition) will need to dictate tempo to win, so eventually, in a one possession game they will need to rely on some kind of half court sets. Have we shown any thus far, that we have a go to play that will net us a bucket or a wide open look. A designed play to get you that look or bucket?
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