2019-20 WCAL Hoops Wrap Up/2020-21 Outlook

He definitely not shooting for 2,000...his words : Dad I want to win the championship. I don't want to be remembered as a just a scorer that didn't win. People already hate on me, hate on me for transferring, I want to win.

Bryce's mind is in the right place. I personally didnt mind his transfer. Shocked, but not hateful like some. Transferring to Riordan was acceptable. Transferring to SI????? UNACCEPTABLE!!! Honestly dont recall anyone leaving SH or Riordan to go to SI. Or fact is SI doesnt take them.

I play the NBA 2K roster in my head from time to time thinking what SH wouldve been last year. Bryce, EJ, Cedric, Oscar, Elijah, Osin and Kory.... oh man that would have been a team!
Good post but I pay for Pat Stat to keep his position at Riordan since they let him go but they still use his services. I know that stats are brought to their attention at half and after games. Only stat that matters is wins and losses. But your correct.
BTW. I liked how your son carried himself after the tough loss last night. Kept his head up.
I appreciate that. We are constantly working on composure and keeping a positive outlook when things look dark. Young guy been through a lot in High school career. Learning to take the good with the bad. They will rebound from the tough losses and be better from this on and off the court.
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In baseball, that is the evil pill (looking at your stats). As a coach, never posted them until end of year. Stats is evil.

That being said, he has had a wonderful high school career (hopefully a month longer). And will work towards his college degree, while continuing to play ball. That is the best response.

This has got to be one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen. Calling stats an evil black pill. Ha. Stats don’t tell the whole story, but to dismiss them like this is absurd. Especially in a sport like baseball where Billy Beane proved how important the implementation of stats are.
Ok here we go. If you followed me on Twitter last night I mentioned come the last 3 minutes, its going to be about keeping Mitty from getting 2nd chance points (they did) getting stops (Riordan didnt), making FTs (we missed the back end of a 1:1. That said, they got beat on a play where there should have been weak side help. Basic fundamental man to man defense. I have zero problem with Bryce and Jelani taking the shots. They are dynamic scorers, who can create shots for themselves and more so with Bryce, as he can create shots for others with his play making ability. I saw a quote in the Merc where Joey said, to paraphrase '.....being a bit more patient and hunting for a good look...' well, as someone noted Riordan in most of their possessions did wait till there were 5 seconds left on the shot clock. Really didnt net them good looks. Its a great concept, pass up a shot for a better shot, but 1, you need to be doing more than playing the shell game vs the zone. 2, you can dribble penetrate and attack the gaps in the zone, 3,low post picks for your bigs for lobs (I know taking your chances with those hands on them, but still an option). Instead, we just swing the ball methodically from one side to the next till there is 5 seconds left. Im sorry, but there aint nothing good coming outta that. Also, people here want Bryce and Jelanie to spread it out the shots? No thanks, give the ball to my 2 D1 players and let them create if they need to. Everyone else not named Monroe and Clark last night went 8 for 32 from the field. Thats 25%. Not good folks. Our zone offense has been deplorable all season and I tweeted out during the game every team should just sit in a zone all night and dare Riordan to come up with a zone offense to beat them. Milking the clock for 'better looks' is basically letting the other team dictate the tempo of the game. This team I was told likes to play fast, so why slow down? Attack the zone. AND attack it with your best players! Lastly, when your saying your looking for better looks, its assumed then there are knockdown shooters that will hit those corner 3s. Those wide open looks on the perimeter. Riordan is a VERY STREAKY outside shooting team. They DO NOT have a knockdown shooter. They do however have two dynamic SCORERS. Give them the ball and let them create in these instances. Why be so intent on finding an open look, unless again those other players are knockdown shooters. Its been a flaw theyve had all season, but has never been addressed because they were winning. If they are to get deep in the postseason, this will need to be addressed, cause again, going to a zone is dictating the tempo of how the game is played and I can guarantee you last night is not going to be the last time they see some sort of zone.

@superle, glad to meet you again last night. Im glad we cleared up who I was NOT.
This has got to be one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen. Calling stats an evil black pill. Ha. Stats don’t tell the whole story, but to dismiss them like this is absurd. Especially in a sport like baseball where Billy Beane proved how important the implementation of stats are.
If I respected your opinion, I might be offended. All you need to do is go back to your post earlier today.

We are talking about kids not getting caught up in their own stats, not coaches uses them as a tool, tool.

I know your a one horse pony, who rarely ventures out of the gym. Go back into to the dungeons of Stuart Hall and USF.
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I do like how Riordan has opened up the lower tier for student section. Although, I am curious if it will last beyond this year. Bringing in the women will change what and what cannot be said in public.
Agreed, I just dont think they knew how to be a raucous times they seemed bored LOL And it will change should the team falter next year and not every underclassman come back. Many things can change like xfers etc...
I do like how Riordan has opened up the lower tier for student section. Although, I am curious if it will last beyond this year. Bringing in the women will change what and what cannot be said in public.
Why do you say that? Riordan has 3 sophs and 2 juniors on the team. Frosh A’s and B’s clinched WCAL titles. The Frosh A’s remain undefeated for the season and the B’s only have 2 losses. The JVs have struggled. Missing a 7-1 Center and two sharpshooting guards will do that.
I do like the opening up of the floor for the Riordan students. They were much more loud and rowdy for SI, though. Crowds have been the best in all of City basketball the last few years. Will be interesting next year.
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BTW. I liked how your son carried himself after the tough loss last night. Kept his
Agreed, I just dont think they knew how to be a raucous times they seemed bored LOL And it will change should the team falter next year and not every underclassman come back. Many things can change like xfers etc...
To your point. There has been only one game where someone else other than Monroe or Clark was the leading scorer. That was Robert V against Valley Christian. 22 games played. Bryce missed 4 games due to injury. He has been the leading scorer in 15 of the 22 games, Jelani 6 games in which he lead . We are who we are at 18-4.
With a game so close at the end, why wasn’t Mor and Rob in for Riordan? 7-1 Height and a 6-7 kid that weighs more than Riiny and Chan combined and is a better offensive threat down low would have made a difference.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a basketball coach who doesn’t know how to coach a 7 footer. The Riordan guys have no idea what they are doing with Seck. By now he should be talked about by all the recruiting outlets. He should be a high major recruit but the guys at Riordan are holding him back.
Bryce's mind is in the right place. I personally didnt mind his transfer. Shocked, but not hateful like some. Transferring to Riordan was acceptable. Transferring to SI????? UNACCEPTABLE!!! Honestly dont recall anyone leaving SH or Riordan to go to SI. Or fact is SI doesnt take them.

I play the NBA 2K roster in my head from time to time thinking what SH wouldve been last year. Bryce, EJ, Cedric, Oscar, Elijah, Osin and Kory.... oh man that would have been a team!
Also, 6'5" Ryan Daly down at St. Francis. Lancers starting forward and football QB.
Why do you say that? Riordan has 3 sophs and 2 juniors on the team. Frosh A’s and B’s clinched WCAL titles. The Frosh A’s remain undefeated for the season and the B’s only have 2 losses. The JVs have struggled. Missing a 7-1 Center and two sharpshooting guards will do that.
I do like the opening up of the floor for the Riordan students. They were much more loud and rowdy for SI, though. Crowds have been the best in all of City basketball the last few years. Will be interesting next year.
Its a nice start. Just hope they can maintain it. Its a nice idea, way overdo, as just having the band (which is great), act like your cheering section, doesnt do it. It's nice to see the 20 kids that were there, wheres the rest of the student body? Riordan basketball most definitive is the flavor of the month in City basketball. I agree with you, they have piece in place to stay competitive. Now with the ladies coming on board, will you see a "softening" of the vigor. It was definitive lost when SI and SH went co-ed. (ie. watching your ps and qs).
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a basketball coach who doesn’t know how to coach a 7 footer. The Riordan guys have no idea what they are doing with Seck. By now he should be talked about by all the recruiting outlets. He should be a high major recruit but the guys at Riordan are holding him back.

Because EVERY high school coach in the country has a 7'1 guy walking around in the school!?!?!?!?
The vast majority of today's high school coaches have utterly no idea what to do with a 7-1 athlete like Riordan's kid. Offenses now revolve around three-point bombers and dip-and-dive to the hoop. Big guys set screens and rebound. Defensively, much of the time they are forced out of the paint in man-to-man and become almost irrelevant out on the wing. The days of focusing on the low post are long-gone. Wilt Chamberlain must be weeping quietly somewhere in the Great Basketball Beyond.
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Its a nice start. Just hope they can maintain it. Its a nice idea, way overdo, as just having the band (which is great), act like your cheering section, doesnt do it. It's nice to see the 20 kids that were there, wheres the rest of the student body? Riordan basketball most definitive is the flavor of the month in City basketball. I agree with you, they have piece in place to stay competitive. Now with the ladies coming on board, will you see a "softening" of the vigor. It was definitive lost when SI and SH went co-ed. (ie. watching your ps and qs).
"...wheres the rest of the student body? " Well at least 100 students make up the band...
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The vast majority of today's high school coaches have utterly no idea what to do with a 7-1 athlete like Riordan's kid. Offenses now revolve around three-point bombers and dip-and-dive to the hoop. Big guys set screens and rebound. Defensively, much of the time they are forced out of the paint in man-to-man and become almost irrelevant out on the wing. The days of focusing on the low post are long-gone. Wilt Chamberlain must be weeping quietly somewhere in the Great Basketball Beyond.

With any luck, Sek's camp will be approached by PP and they'll turn him into a 7'1 3 pt shooter.
With any luck, Sek's camp will be approached by PP and they'll turn him into a 7'1 3 pt shooter.
I got to say it would t shock me. Reading some of this made me think this AM that Prolific might just make a move in this kid. Guys that tall don’t come around often.
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"...wheres the rest of the student body? " Well at least 100 students make up the band...
Cheering section. Not kids that its mandatory to attend. Maybe, Im harkering back to the days with City Riordan kids with cowbells, and a bit of beer on their breathe doing a rah, rah, chee, chee, cha, cha cha cheer. Old alums would know. Just like the SH fans would remember the SH beer song or the SI Budweiser song. Shall I regress.
With any luck, Sek's camp will be approached by PP and they'll turn him into a 7'1 3 pt shooter.
Hollllllllllld on. With all due respect, We are talking about Riordan's 7 footer? GRANTED they do not run plays through, nor should they at this point og the youngster's career, but some of you are acting like hes the second coming. Prolific? AM? He still needs to develop and yes, I know maybe their coaching staffs can do that, but were all just speculating when you say he can just go there and start, and not only start but dominate. I would tamp down those expectations. Hes a nice piece but not a foundational piece....YET. He does work hard from what I can tell with his work with Tofi.
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Cheering section. Not kids that its mandatory to attend. Maybe, Im harkering back to the days with City Riordan kids with cowbells, and a bit of beer on their breathe doing a rah, rah, chee, chee, cha, cha cha cheer. Old alums would know. Just like the SH fans would remember the SH beer song or the SI Budweiser song. Shall I regress.
Got it. I'm just happy to see any City kid attend their school's basketball games that is not named Bruce/Mahoney. I was part of those cheering sections chanting the "I'm a Rabbit..."cheer in the late 70s/early 80s and witnessed epic games at Kezar and USF. Saw coaches' Phillips, Drucker and Isola going head to head. Also saw players like Tony Welch, Jeff Thilgen, Paul Fortier, Brett Crawford, Alex Lopez, Eric White, etc.
Got it. I'm just happy to see any City kid attend their school's basketball games that is not named Bruce/Mahoney. I was part of those cheering sections chanting the "I'm a Rabbit..."cheer in the late 70s/early 80s and witnessed epic games at Kezar and USF. Saw coaches' Phillips, Drucker and Isola going head to head. Also saw players like Tony Welch, Jeff Thilgen, Paul Fortier, Brett Crawford, Alex Lopez, Eric White, etc.
I knew you got it. I'm happy to see Riordan making an effort keep it up. More so than SH and SI.
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Hollllllllllld on. With all due respect, We are talking about Riordan's 7 footer? GRANTED they do not run plays through, nor should they at this point og the youngster's career, but some of you are acting like hes the second coming. Prolific? AM? He still needs to develop and yes, I know maybe their coaching staffs can do that, but were all just speculating when you say he can just go there and start, and not only start but dominate. I would tamp down those expectations. Hes a nice piece but not a foundational piece....YET. He does work hard from what I can tell with his work with Tofi.

I saw somewhere Oklahoma St. already offered Sek. His skills are raw to say the least. Obviously he can be taught. But there lies the dilemma of him doing what his team needs him to do and what he wants to do. Unfortunately I dont see him meeting anywhere in the middle while playing at Riordan and with a WCAL schedule. I hope Im wrong and he stays cuz its cool seeing a 7 footer in the league!
I knew you got it. I'm happy to see Riordan making an effort keep it up. More so than SH and SI.

Make no mistake, the arrival of the ladies will drastically alter the Riordan chemistry. It won't be the same once the females show up in numbers. Sorry. So raise holy hell while you can, dudes. The testosterone party will soon be over.
Make no mistake, the arrival of the ladies will drastically alter the Riordan chemistry. It won't be the same once the females show up in numbers. Sorry. So raise holy hell while you can, dudes. The testosterone party will soon be over.

This is great. Just great. Raise your hands if you want to see Mitty girls basketball beat Riordan girls basketball 100-15?
This is great. Just great. Raise your hands if you want to see Mitty girls basketball beat Riordan girls basketball 100-15?

Hey they beat Carondelet by more than 50 this year. The new Crusaderettes staying within 85 might be a best case scenario. Maybe they can trade places with SJND?
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Jordan Johnson- Weston Ranch
Gavin Wilburn- Weston Ranch
Ben Pierce- Foothill
Donovan Sevilla- Dougherty Valley
Eli Alonso- Dublin
Anthony Roy- Dublin
Devon Jackson- Dublin
Jalen Pierce- Dublin
Marlon Short- Canterbury Academy
Tejon Sawyer- Salesian
Shane Bell- Salesian
Bryce Monroe- Riordan
Jelani Clark - Riordan
Muti Shuman- Serra
Kori McCoy- Sacred Heart
Kyle Jasper- Stuart Hall
Ryan Daly- St. Francis
Peter Gwananji- Sac High
Evan Johnson- Capitol Christian
Tosh Baker- Pinnacle
Ramon Farias- College Park
Jason Roche- St. Mary's
Carter Mahaney- Campolindo
Kahli Custard- Heritage
Devan Sapp- prep
Dallas Rider- Coronado
Mason Whitaker- Reno
Desohn Shipp- Oakland Tech
Tanner Hayhurst- Idaho Falls
Quincy McGriff- Harvard Westlake
Nick Bowden- St. Bernards
Austin and Cade Ronzone- ODowd
Eric Bernard- Pittsburg
Jacob Minty - Marin Catholic
Cole Kastner- Menlo

To all my guys in 2020 , Congratulations on great high schools careers and good luck in your future endeavors. Shout out to the guy saying I may not know the game. You might recognize a few household high school names that came through my gym in this 2020 class that I had the pleasure of coaching on youth sports circuit.
Friday Night's Feb 14th Matchups (7:30pm Tip-offs)
  • Serra @ Mitty
    • Serra makes its way to San Jose to meet the Monarchs. Both teams looking to finish league play strong heading into the CCS Open. Mitty needs to win out to ensure at least a share of the WCAL crown. Serra looking for the upset after a narrow defeat a few weeks ago in the Jungle. Matchup of the night will be Mitty's breakout big Arrish Bhandal vs Serra's hulking big man Muti Shuman.
  • Riordan @ St. Francis (NFHS Network-Subscription Required)
  • Riordan has dropped 2 in a row to its fellow first place occupants Bellarmine and Mitty and looks to start another winning streak in Mountain View. It won't be easy as St. Francis is the surprise team of the season and the Crusaders typically struggle on the Lancers home court. The Lancers have some good young guard/wing players along with a veteran big in Daly and played the Crusaders close up in the Forum. Crusaders appear to be getting healthy at the right time. Riordan needs to start strong early and put together an all-around team effort to close out the season in preparation for post season.
  • Bellarmine @ Sacred Heart Cathedral
    • Bells look to solidify its position in first place. SHC looks to regain that 2019 season magic as it seeks to possibly still qualify for the Open. It's Senior night on Ellis St!
  • Valley Christian @ St. Ignatius
    • This appears the Warriors best chance at notching a league win against the 'Cats in the Sunset tonight. Not going to be easy as SI wants to finish strong. Great matchup of freshman guards from both squads.
WCAL Standings as of Feb 14th - League Wins; Overall Record
  1. Bellarmine 9-3; 19-3
  2. Archbishop Mitty 9-3; 18-4
  3. Archbishop Riordan 9-3; 18-4
  4. Junipero Serra 8-4; 16-6
  5. Saint Francis 6-6; 14-8
  6. Sacred Heart Cathedral 4-8; 9-13
  7. Saint Ignatius 3-9; 8-14
  8. Valley Christian 0-12; 8-14

Final League Games - Tuesday Feb 18th (Tip-off 7:30pm)
  • Mitty @ Valley Christian
  • SHC @ Riordan
  • Bellarmine @ St. Francis
  • Serra @ St. Ignatius
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